Monday, March 19, 2012

Taiwan Craft Haunts

The cute puppy at 39 Metal Workshop

Because it's been requested, here's a quick post on the different craft shops/workshops I was able to get contact details from in Taipei:

The ladies from Middle Handmade Studio:

  • Wool felting - (you can translate to English, really cool photos)  Email:
  • Silver jewelry - (you can translate the page too, I was using Chrome when I viewed this) Ring Creative Studio FB  Email:
  • Thread jewelry (I have no idea if this is the right term for this, but you can check the photo below for what it is exactly she does or my post on Crafting Taiwan--I met her, but I forgot her name!) -  Email: (er, maybe her name's Kitty?)
The rest of these folks are from around Taipei:
  • Sue Duan Design (where I got my wing earrings!) - (translate this too) Sue Duan Design FB  Email:
  • Steven's Glass Wonderland (cute glass knickknacks) -
  • 39 Metal Workshop -  Email:
The ladies from the Middle Handmade Studio ladies give workshops, as does Steven's Glass Wonderland.  You may want to try asking the other folks listed if they give workshops as well.

The mystery craft at Middle Handmade Studio

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